
20. juna 2018.

Kako si?

Na pitanje kako si, uvek odgovori dobro. Koga zanima tuđa muka, svako ima svoju. Vidjeno (27) puta
10. maja 2019.

Negdje između života i smrti, budnosti i sna

  Mogao je zaplakati nad sobom svaki dan najmanje pet do deset puta. Mogao je sate provesti blijedo buljeći ni u što. Mogao je dane, mjesece […]
4. februara 2022.

New York.New York.

Once upon a time from the Universe itself here came a black, grey and heavy monster wishing to settle… Still trying, undisturbed. Vidjeno (3) puta
4. februara 2022.


There’s a place… next to my home country with more pigeons surrounding cathedrals than people in the hole city. That’s Rome and Rome is beige, with […]
4. februara 2022.


They drink wine in Portugal watching birds flying from Russia. Portugal is pink Vidjeno (6) puta
4. februara 2022.


Killing your spirit will be the punishment for your undisciplined mind. That’s kendo. In Japan. Japan is brown Vidjeno (12) puta
4. februara 2022.


On the entire Earth it is snowing only in Moscow, actually. Everyone knows that. Moscow is gold with heavy whites on its’ tops Vidjeno (6) puta
4. februara 2022.


Vidjeno (21) puta